# Interface: ArcOptions

# Hierarchy

# Properties

# backgroundColor

backgroundColor: Color

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1696 (opens new window)

# borderAlign

borderAlign: "center" | "inner"

Arc stroke alignment.

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1732 (opens new window)

# borderColor

borderColor: Color

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1695 (opens new window)

# borderJoinStyle

borderJoinStyle: CanvasLineJoin

Line join style. See MDN. Default is 'round' when borderAlign is 'inner', else 'bevel'.

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1737 (opens new window)

# borderRadius

borderRadius: number | ArcBorderRadius

Sets the border radius for arcs

default 0

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1743 (opens new window)

# borderWidth

borderWidth: number

# Inherited from


# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1694 (opens new window)

# circular

circular: boolean

If false, Arc will be flat.

default true

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1754 (opens new window)

# offset

offset: number

Arc offset (in pixels).

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:1748 (opens new window)