Compressed Netspace Estimate

A chart for farmers looking to understand the current state of compressed plots within the Chia network. This interactive chart provides a visual representation of the estimated amount of compressed netspace done with the Gigahorse and NoSSD plotters, allowing you to estimate the growth and impact of compressed plots on the overall Chia farming landscape.

Replotted Compressed Netspace over time

Amount of replotted netspace using Gigahorse and NoSSD estimated over time. It assumes a 50/50 split between CPU and GPU harvesting of Gigahorse compressed plots.

Percentage Replotted Compressed Netspace

Percentage of replotted netspace using Gigahorse and NoSSD estimated over the last 7 days. It assumes a 50/50 split between CPU and GPU harvesting of Gigahorse compressed plots.

Estimated Replotted Netspace with Gigahorse

Estimated Gigahorse replotted space computed based on observed dev fees. The shaded area indicates the range of estimated effective replotted netspace depending on the split of CPU and GPU Gigahorse farmers due to differing fee amounts.