
Here, you'll find answers to common issues and errors that you may encounter while farming or plotting Chia to help you diagnose and resolve any problems to ensure a smooth and efficient Chia farming experience. Remember, the Chia community is always here to support you, so don't hesitate to seek help when needed.

Troubleshooting Questions

Slow plotting speeds can be attributed to various factors, including insufficient hardware resources, improper configuration, or outdated software. Ensure your system meets the recommended hardware requirements, update your software, and optimize your plotting configuration to improve plotting speed.

Plots may not appear in your farming software if they are located in a folder that hasn't been added to the software, if they are corrupted, or if they are still being plotted. Double-check your plot folder configuration, ensure the plots are fully completed, and verify the plot files' integrity.

Chia rewards are distributed based on a probabilistic model, and your chances of winning depend on the size of your plots relative to the entire network's netspace. It's possible to experience periods of bad luck where you don't win any rewards, but this should even out over time. Ensure your farming setup is properly configured, and consider joining a pool to improve your chances of consistent rewards.

Connectivity issues between the harvester and farmer can be caused by network problems, firewall settings, or misconfiguration. Check your network connection, ensure your firewall settings allow communication between the harvester and farmer, and verify that your configuration files have the correct settings.

Slow syncing or failure to sync can be caused by network issues, insufficient system resources, or an outdated client. Make sure your internet connection is stable, your system meets the recommended requirements, and your Chia client is up-to-date. You can also try connecting to more reliable nodes to improve sync speed. Also considering downloading a checkpoint of the blockchain database from the official torrent.

Bad or invalid plots can occur if the plotting process was interrupted or if the plot file is corrupted. You may need to re-plot the affected files and ensure they are completed successfully. Before re-plotting, check the integrity of the existing plot files and remove any corrupted or incomplete files.

GPU plotting errors can be caused by incompatible hardware, insufficient VRAM, outdated drivers, or software issues. Ensure your GPU is compatible with the plotting software, has sufficient VRAM, and that you have the latest drivers installed. If the problem persists, try using a different plotting software or seek help from the community forums.

The "not enough space" error occurs when there isn't sufficient storage space available on your temporary or destination drive for the plot file. Ensure you have enough free space on both drives, and double-check your plotting configuration to ensure the correct drive paths are specified.

The "Too many open files" error typically occurs when the system has reached its open file limit. You can increase this limit by adjusting your system's open file limit configuration, or you can reduce the number of parallel plotting processes to avoid reaching the limit.

The "Bus error" can occur when plotting on a ramdisk if there's an issue with the ramdisk's configuration, such as insufficient allocated memory or misaligned memory access. Verify the ramdisk's configuration and ensure it has enough allocated memory to accommodate the temporary plotting files.

The "Plotting failed with exception" error is a generic error message that can result from various issues, such as insufficient system resources, software bugs, or hardware incompatibilities. To resolve this error, check your system's resource usage, update your plotting software, and ensure your hardware is compatible with the plotting software you're using.

The "Invalid k size" error occurs when you try to create a plot with an unsupported k value. Ensure you're using a valid k size (typically k=32) when creating plots, as smaller k sizes are no longer supported by the Chia network.

The "Error in G1 element deserialization" error can occur if there's an issue with your plot's public key, such as corruption or misconfiguration. Double-check your plot configuration and ensure your public and private keys are correctly entered.

The "Error 22 Invalid argument" error can be caused by various issues, such as an incorrect command-line argument or a misconfigured plotting configuration. Review your plotting command or configuration file to ensure all arguments and settings are correct and valid.